Categories: Infrastructure

Communication Tower Joint Fastening

*Some images are for illustration purposes only.

Hardlock Nut Application

Published on

November 15, 2023





The safety of telecommunications steel towers is of utmost importance to prevent collapse or detachment of parts, even during natural disasters like typhoons and earthquakes. These towers undergo stringent design and construction practices to ensure their structural integrity and resilience in the face of such adverse conditions.


Hardlock Nut Application
Hardlock Nut Application
  • Locations prone to irregular stress on joints.
  • Challenges of maintenance and inspection at height.
  • Risk of collapse and accidents due to loosened joints.


  • Elimination of accidents caused by loosening: By implementing effective fastening techniques and maintenance protocols, the risk of accidents resulting from loosening of components has been eliminated. This significantly enhances safety standards.
  • Longer maintenance and inspection cycles: Through improved design and construction practices, the required frequency of maintenance and inspections has been extended. This helps reduce both the workload and costs associated with regular tower upkeep.
  • Reduced burden on workers: Implementing measures to minimize work at heights has resulted in a reduced burden on workers. By optimizing tower design and incorporating safety features, the potential risks and challenges associated with working at elevated heights have been mitigated.

Achieve the Highest Safe & Secure Performance In Your Next Project.

Unparalleled rotation and looseness prevention rate
Bolt axial force (fastening power maintained for extended periods)
Drastically reduces labor costs associated with retightening